Nine Months to the NOW

That was an absolutely beautiful post!

I am also in recovery from an eating disorder, and my mom was in your shoes when I was an infant. Your determination, love, and gratitude is so touching! ❤

McCall Dempsey

Up until today, this blog has been dedicated to my eating disorder recovery journey, my experiences as the proud founder of Southern Smash and the extraordinary people I’ve met and the events along the way. Traveling through the depths of an eating disorder and into the life of recovery puts life in perspective. Seemingly simple life events are richer and colors bolder. The sunshine on your face is warmer and you can’t help but soak in the freedom in each breath and the peace in your mind.

And while my blog will continue to chronicle my journey, my beautiful life just took a very unexpected turn. At 26-weeks pregnant with my second child, I experienced Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes (pProm). Essentially, the amniotic sac that protects and houses my sweet baby girl tore and I began leaking amniotic fluid at 1:30pm Monday, September 29. My life, my family’s life changed…

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