Why I love walks


Sometimes we are so upset with the stresses of modern life, but we cannot allow ourselves to not take time to stop and admire how much beauty there is. Even on a rainy day; even when times are hard; even when we want to give up or give in to our unhealthy vices.

I like going on walks not only because of the exercise, but because of what it does for my mind and spirit. Every time I see a flower, the sun, a child, a family, another pedestrian walking with their pets… I am reminded of the beauty there is in the world.

Sometimes I daydream on my walks. I daydream about my future, about people I care about; some of them are people I don’t even know. Sometimes I can’t help but feel overwhelmed by the beauty there is and I feel like I may just explode or burst into tears. For the sake of not looking like a weirdo crying on the street (haha), I take it all in and breathe. Then I keep walking.

I have plenty of reasons to be happy.
But I also have plenty of reasons to be unhappy.

I could dwell on my unstable past (by past I mean childhood and recent past) and choose to sit at home and feel miserable. I could sit here and drink all day and feel sorry for myself. But why would I do that? I’ve spent enough time doing that. I want to inspire people, not only inspire them to eat well, but I want to show them that happiness doesn’t lie in material things. 

Again, I want to show people that happiness doesn’t lie in material things.
One more time. Happiness does not lie in material things. 

It also isn’t found in social status, popularity, fame, money, or appearance. 
I used to be what society considered beautiful. I used to be underweight (because I suffered from anorexia nervosa) and people complimented me. Little did they know I was unintentionally torturing myself. Did they care? Not really. They liked how I looked, and that was it.

I hope whoever is reading this takes something away from it. Beauty is only there if you choose to see it. Anything can be beautiful. And, to me, that simple fact is beautiful.